
Grant Research & Development

Do you have a particular grant in mind, or are you looking for assistance managing the grant process from start to finish? I have over 18 years of successful grant and proposal research & development experience.  We can tailor a plan that best suits your needs!

  • Research and identify grant opportunities, creating an opportunity pipeline
  • Write your story in a compelling way, while tailoring a narrative that targets the funder’s mission
  • Manage a grant submission & award calendar
  • Track grant status and trend outcomes for continuous improvement
  • Create measurable program outcomes and tracking tools
  • Budget and program development assistance, if needed

Process Development & Improvement

A key to efficient and effective growth for any business, nonprofit or for profit, is a strong work flow process.  Businesses focused on process development and improvement are able to reduce and even eliminate weak points in their business operations, and reach their goals with improved efficiency, productivity, and quality.  I can help your organization create efficient and effective processes to meet your customers’ needs while staying in alignment with your core business objectives. Together we will create a road map to improve and maintain your organization’s work flow processes.

  • Identify & include key team members with a stake in the process
  • Map your current process
  • Analyze the process
  • Identify & address opportunities for improvement
  • Identify necessary resources
  • Draft or update new process documentation
  • Create an implementation plan that allows for consistent review

Funding & Revenue Diversification

There are a number of funding and revenue stream options to ensure your business remains sustainable in an ever-changing economy.  Diversifying your funding sources is key and can help expose you to more opportunities, increase your overall revenue, mitigate risk, and create stability.  Might you have a missed opportunity? Together, we will evaluate your budget and current funding model to identify opportunities for diversification, and create a multi-source funding model that works. 

  • Budget review
  • Evaluate existing funding model
  • Identify alternative fundraising methods or revenue sources
  • Develop & implement new strategies & processes for alternate funding
  • Create measurable outcomes and tracking tools as applicable